
Slimming Minnie Diaries

∙ Brummie ∙ Wife ∙ Mommy ∙ Disney ∙ WW ∙


weight loss targets

Here We Go…. AGAIN!

Birds flying high... You know how I feel... It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life.... well, it's the same life, it's just a new week, new leader, new members, new normal. And I'm going to... Continue Reading →

Another Week

❤️💋🌹Happy Valentines Day all!!🌹💋❤️ Just thought I'd slip that in there. A bit of lightheartedness to start the week off with. Dont worry, normality will follow! Ha. So, last week I ended my post by saying, "Hopefully I’ll come away... Continue Reading →

A New Year, A New Book

Day 3 of 365.  Day 1 of attempt 29414928 (totally randomly made up... but probably pretty close).  As I said before, and also last year, there is no ‘new year, new me’ bullshit blog post. Because quite frankly, now is not the time.... Continue Reading →

What a Joke!

Looking at old pictures of myself, at my biggest and at my slimmest, looking at my hen do's, wedding, honeymoon, one year anniversary photos, reading old slim days comments or blog posts... they all get to me, but one thing... Continue Reading →

Trillionth Times The Charm

You've heard of the saying, third time's the charm?! Yeh, the third attempt at losing weight, I can't even begin to remember when that was.... we're so far past that!! Let's just stick with, I'm trying again. Simples.  So I'm... Continue Reading →

On With The Show…

The failure show that is. Yes. Quick recap / synopsis right here. Bad week. Check. Bad food. Check. Couldn't give a stuffed monkeys. Damn straight. Did do 11 classes this week. 7 of which were within 24 hours...... still eaten... Continue Reading →

An ‘Off’ Week

Yes. Tale as old as time...but not that tale. The tale of 'ye olde broketh record'. It's been a bad week. An off week. Involving pre planned off days, last-minute off plan days, emotional off days. The full works. So... Continue Reading →

Season of Change

It's the 30th August. That mean's in 2 days it's a new month,  and a new season. Autumn is coming. And with Autumn being so close, it means Winter is even closer. Now I am not wishing away the days... Continue Reading →

A Week of Firsts….

So. I moaned. Again. I self sabotaged. Again. I gained. Again. I need to just stop. Suck it up. Get over it. And just flippin' well do it. That is all. That simple. There are people out there doing better,... Continue Reading →

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