
Slimming Minnie Diaries

∙ Brummie ∙ Wife ∙ Mommy ∙ Disney ∙ WW ∙


November 2018

Trillionth Times The Charm

You've heard of the saying, third time's the charm?! Yeh, the third attempt at losing weight, I can't even begin to remember when that was.... we're so far past that!! Let's just stick with, I'm trying again. Simples.  So I'm... Continue Reading →


I could sit here & say, sorry, I forgot to post Wednesday night, or I scheduled it and it didn't work, and didn't realise until just now, but truth of the matter is, I'm pretty sure, no one would really... Continue Reading →


This is the first time I have contemplated not actually posting a weekly update. Yes. And quite frankly. There is no point really. No point sitting there at the end of each day telling you how bad I'd let it... Continue Reading →

It’s all Just Excuses & Lies

Right. It is 1st November. Today is a new day, it's a new dawn, it's a new life... ya da ya da. Enough moping. Enough moaning. Enough whining. Enough dark morbid depressing 'worrying' posts. Not that anyone seems remotely worried,... Continue Reading →

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